Editing a filter in Bill Analyst

You can easily change the existing filters you applied to a recurring billing report. Keep in mind, you can only edit a standard filter or a filter you create. You will not be able to edit or delete filters created and shared by others.

To edit a filter:

  1. Click Billing, then click Bill Analyst.
Bill Analyst
  1. Select the radio button next to the account you want to view, then click Launch Bill Analyst.

    Control Center opens Bill Analyst on a new tab.
  1. Click the Setup tab.
  1. In the Tools section, click Filters.
  1. Select the radio button of the report you want to edit a filter for, then click Edit Filter.
  1. From any of the two lists and one field, edit your filtering parameters. 

    You can have up to 20 rows for each filter. The last row cannot be a group. Each group needs a condition. A filter cannot be saved if a group ends without a condition row. If a group contains no condition and ends, you'll get an error message.
  1. Click Save.
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