Signing up for paperless billing

When you sign up for paperless billing the benefits include:

  • Cost savings: Save your organization time and resources rather than having staff take time to open, scan, file, and shred paper invoices. 
  • Secure: Protect yourself. Many hands touch paper invoices on their journey through the postal system. Instead of taking chances, review your invoice online.
  • Continuity: Continue to pay invoices with the same payment method you've been using.

It only takes a few minutes to sign up for paperless billing. You'll continue to receive a paper invoice until your paperless request takes effect, which usually happens within two billing cycles. Signing up for paperless billing doesn't change your monthly due date.

If you want to further reduce the time you spend managing your invoices, you can set up a recurring payment. We call this Autopay and, when you enroll in Autopay, your payment is automatically debited from a bank account or charnged to a credit/debit card each month.

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