How to order and set up a static IP address

Please contact us to order a static IP address. There is no minimum speed requirement to request a static IP address. At this time, static IP addresses are not available for prepaid customers.

Read below for details about costs and setup. Want to learn more about static IP addresses? Read our FAQs.

Block SizeMonthly Rate
One Time Charge
Single IP (0 assignable*)$15$75
8 (5 assignable)$25$75
16 (13 assignable)
32 (29 assignable)
64 (61 assignable)

* Leasing a single static IP address provides an IP address to be used by your modem. If you need to assign an IP address to a device behind your modem, you will need to lease a block of IPs.

When you lease a static IPv4 address, those addresses have 'derived IPv6' addresses associated to them, so there is no need to order anything else. But, you will need to enable IPv6 on your modem.

Customers with a dynamic IP address cannot turn off port 25 filtering.

If you have leased static IPs and need assistance with port 25 filtering, or if you would like to lease static IP addresses from Brightspeed, please contact us

The lease on static IP addresses continues until you either choose to delete them from your account, or until you cancel your Brightspeed internet service.

Note that moving or upgrading your service will usually require a change to your static IP address.

  1. Contact us to lease a single static IP address.

  2. Allow one full hour for your request to be processed.

  3. Reboot your modem by unplugging the power cord and waiting for 3 minutes.

  4. Plug the power cord back into your modem, then watch for the internet light to turn green.

  5. Verify that your new IP address is visible by looking it up at Once you've confirmed that, you're done!

  6. If you are having trouble, contact tech support.

  1. Contact us to lease a block of IP addresses.

  2. Allow one full hour for your request to be processed.

  3. Reboot your modem by unplugging the power cord and waiting for 3 minutes.

  4. Plug the power cord back into your modem, then watch for the internet light to turn green.

  5. Verify that at least one of your static IP addresses is visible by looking it up at

  6. Configure your modem's WAN settings, following the instructions for PPPoE Setup > Static IP Block.

  7. If you are having trouble, contact tech support.

Please contact us to cancel a static IP lease. If you had a single static IP, you do not need to reconfigure your modem. Customers with an IP block will need to re-configure the modem.

If you cancel a single static IP lease, you do NOT need to reconfigure your modem.

If you cancel an IP block lease and your modem was configured for that block, you will need to reconfigure your modem to use a dynamic IP. To do this, configure your modem's WAN settings, following the instructions for PPPoE Setup > PPPoE with dynamic IP.

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